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  • Writer's pictureLickety Glitz

2018 Walk to End Alzheimer's

Updated: Dec 9, 2020

Oh yeah, we totally won it!

Team Stumped Town Dementia rocking the 2018 Walk to End Alzheimer's

I am so proud of our friends and family - those who walked and/or donated to the 2018 Walk To End Alzheimer's. Team Stumped Town Dementia made a grand showing, and raised a whooping $1,942! Which is 194% of our initial $1,000 goal! And I'm pretty sure we will hit $2k as I know some of Mom's besties have sent checks not yet reflected in our total.

Plus, it was fun. Although, we think there should be more alcoholical beverages offered on the walk (as of now there's none - a clear oversight), we still donned our newly printed Stumped Town Dementia t-shirts at our pre-walk mimosas get-together and took to the streets with the rest of the rabble.

Jack doing an excellent job at punching dementia in the face. That's what

happens when you give a kid mimosas at 9am in the morning.

Kidding! Just kidding!

(It was actually 10 am.)

Cousin Kari showing off her new threads, with Barnaby Bones trotting alongside in solidarity, proudly sporting

his purple bandana.

Uh, okay, I was so excited about gathering up the flowers for my team mates that I wasn't super focused when I was personalizing my own flower. It wasn't until we started walking that I noticed my exuberant flower waving during the opening ceremony had resulted in the loss of the petal that contained the word "Town", and that I had madly written "Dimension" instead of "Dementia" on the other petal, leaving me with "Stumped Dimension" - a name clearly more suited to a 70's soul group than a daughter advocating for her dementia mom. I guess now I have to start wearing polyester jumpsuits and learn how to harmonize. Crap.

PonyPow and Nico finishing the walk. Their mimosas-to-go had been

drained much, much earlier.

It was a super way to get together with friends and family and raise funds and awareness for those living with dementia. If you have the opportunity to participate in a Walk to End Alzheimer's in your area, I highly recommend it!

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