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  • Writer's pictureLickety Glitz

And in other news...

Updated: Sep 16, 2020

I can not stop eating.

I can not stop smoking.

I can not stop drinking.

And in other news, my mother is dying.

I do not know who I am anymore.

One thousand, four hundred, and sixty days of dementia claw at me.

Things I held true about myself ripped to shreds.

And in other news, my mother is dying.

I do not sleep.

I lay awake reviewing the day's failures.

I lay awake reviewing the world's failures.

And in other news, my mother is dying.

And nobody talks anymore.

We just spit hate and rage at each other.

People sling their pain at strangers in hope of some relief.

And in other news, my mother is dying.

Does this torment end in my grave?

Does it end in hers?

Does it end when no one is left to write humanity's obituary?

And in other news

My mother

Is dying.

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