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STumped Town Dementia Presents the documentary
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Subscribe to Wine, Women, and Dementia for the  latest news, trailers, and progress updates on the film.

Stumped Town Dementia

featured on...

A personal blog...

...chronicling the dementia adventures of...

...Girl and

The Other Girl...

...sharing hilarious and 

heartbreaking moments

of life...


...with our mom who has vascular dementia.


Dementia Care
November 2020

When They Forget


September 2020

Open Caregiving

August 2020

Here & Now


May 2020


July 2019

Ro & Steve

June 2019

Being Patient

December 2018

The Caregiver Space

September 2018

Family Caregiver Alliance

September 2018

Alzheimer's Society UK

August 2018

Alzheimer's Society UK

March 2018

Let's do this!

Join the mailing list. I mean, how much crazier could it possibly get?

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